L.A. Mama Re-Launch - An L.A. Mama        

Thursday, September 10, 2015

L.A. Mama Re-Launch

It's hard to believe it's been an entire year off but, alas, I have returned refreshed, renewed and ready to share all sorts of goodies with my wonderful readers, old and new.  Let's see, in the last year my oldest son became a high school senior; my daughter entered high school, and my youngest son embarked on his last year of elementary school.  So, suffice it to say we've been pretty busy adjusting around these parts!  The nicest thing is that, for once, my husband has been home for it all.  First day of school, open houses, etc.  Usually he's away on military duty and can only experience these events through pictures.  Glad to have him home! 

What you can expect from me in the next year is my family and I preparing our oldest for adulthood (college and learning to drive).  You'll likely see a lot less of the teenage members of the household because they're teenagers and who can be bothered?  Not to worry, our 10 year old is relishing all of the extra attention.  It's good to be the baby of the family. 

For now you can sit back, relax and enjoy the upcoming list of Fall family events taking place in and around the L.A. area.  Please feel free to share if you are aware of any I haven't posted. 


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