So, two thing happened today: My oldest son went off to prom and it just so happened to fall on his 18th birthday! It's hard to believe that I'm now the parent of an adult child (technically). I thought it would make me feel old or maybe feel sad that he's not a little boy anymore, but I feel nothing but pride and gratitude that I've been blessed to see this little person who grew in my belly now stand over me and prepare to set off on this journey into manhood.

It was a really amazing day. Looking back at these pictures I'm just filled with happiness that I get to be mom to these kids. Yes, they drive me crazy and I'm sure I do them. Yes, we've been through some extremely difficult times which, hopefully, we've all grown from. At the end of the day nothing can change the fact that I brought these amazing people into this world.
I'm also tremendously thankful for our village of grandparents, cousins, aunts and friends who are more like family who were able to join us. Happy birthday, Savion!
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