PR FAQ - An L.A. Mama        



Review Policy

An L.A. Mama & any writings or content on said properties are written & edited by me. I am not paid for my opinion nor to post reviews, though I do accept sponsorship & other forms of compensation. I abide by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in honesty of relationship, opinion & identity. The views & opinions expressed on the site are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. The site does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest. All products sent to me become property of An L.A. Mama. Items will not be returned. Turnaround time for the posting of reviews varies and is dependent on products in queue. For questions about the site, please contact me at


I have found that giveaways tend to generate the most traffic to the site & exposure to the products & services themselves. Giveaways are heavily promoted using major social media platforms & a network of like-minded blogs and websites, therefore they are sure to generate the most exposure. Furthermore, while my reader's respect my honest reviews and opinions, there is nothing like an opportunity to try the products themselves.

While optional, I suggest a giveaway run along with the published article, beginning at the time the article is published, for a period of two weeks. Generally one item, similar or identical to that which is being reviewed, should suffice. However, if you would like to have multiple winners selected, I can facilitate that as well. Once the contest period has ended, a winner will be randomly selected via Once I have notified the winner(s) & received their contact information, I will forward their information to you for shipping.


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